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Become An Ally

Supporting Survivors
by Creating Safe Spaces.

Survivor Ally is made up of two charities. We are Survivors is a charity that strives to break the silence of the sexual abuse, rape and sexual exploitation of boys and men. Mandem Meetup is a grassroots charity promoting, correcting, and improving the conversation around men’s mental health and wellbeing.

We Are Survivors and Madem Meetup decided to join forces to create training courses about understanding how to help a survivor feel comfortable and safe at their appointments;
this is for professionals that work in physical practises.

Together, We’re Allies.

Survivor Ally is a commitment to support and help Survivors feel safe in places of every day life. We aim to do this through short courses aimed at different professionals where it is common for Survivor’s to get triggered or feel unsafe.

A collaboration between:

we are survivors
mandem meetup

What you get

When you have completed your course, you will be sent a completion pack. Which has the following:

  • Survivor Ally Certificate
  • Survivor Ally Stickers

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