Reporting Abuse/Assault
If you or someone you know has been raped or sexually assaulted, we encourage you not to suffer in silence and report it to the police or a support agency so you can get the help and support available. You can call Greater Manchester Police on 101, or alternatively people can refer themselves to St Mary’s Sexual Assault Referral Centre on 0161 276 6515.
Reporting Rape
This is your decision and one you shouldn’t be pushed into but it’s important to remember that the sooner the assault is reported, the more evidence the police will be able to collect.
If you do decide to make a report, the Police will do everything they can to make sure you and your family receive the best possible care and support.
Calling the police is your decision to make but they understand that not knowing what to expect may be frightening.
They’re not there to tell you what to do but hope the information is both reassuring and useful whether you’ve suffered a sexual assault or are trying to help a partner, friend or relative.
First Contact
The first concern is your safety so if the incident has just happened and you contact the Police by phone, their call handler will stay on the line until a police officer arrives.
Trained Officers
The Police have a team of specially trained officers who will do everything in their power to treat you and your family with care and sensitivity throughout any investigation, court proceedings and beyond.
They will be open, honest, do their best to minimise trauma and offer support for as long as you would like.
One of the specially trained officers will visit you wherever you feel most comfortable, and the officer will accompany you at all times unless you choose otherwise and explain the whole process but please don’t be afraid to ask questions. All Greater Manchester Police officers have been trained by We Are Survivors on supporting male victims/survivors.
Early Evidence
Sometimes the officer may use what is called an early evidence kit. This is nothing to worry about, it’s just a small box containing a mouth swab and a pot to collect a urine sample in.
Evidence can be lost by brushing your teeth, eating, drinking or going to the toilet. The early evidence kit helps Police collect this evidence quickly.
First Account
At this time the officer will take a more detailed account of what has happened which you will be asked to read and sign. This is called a first account.
Although initially you may find it embarrassing to discuss intimate details, experienced officers will do their best to put you at ease, and please remember they are used to these types of conversation and will remain professional at all times.
It’s important to be truthful. No one will judge you if you had been drinking or taking drugs before the assault but it’s important to let the officer know as it may change the way the account is taken and alert officers that you could need urgent medical attention.
Never be frightened to ask questions, explain things in your own words or ask for a break if you feel you need one.
Sexual Assault Referral Centre
If you have been raped we recommend that you attend a Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC). In Greater Manchester this is located up at Manchester Royal Infirmary / St Marys Hospital. It is a Health Service facility specifically designed to look after people who have been raped and sexually assaulted. It has a worldwide reputation for excellence. If you report rape to the police, they will arrange for you to attend the SARC if you agree. This process is designed to get you the help you need and to obtain forensic evidence in order to assist with the investigation. This process is conducted by a Forensic Doctor at the centre and whilst it is purely optional it is recommended not only for the examination but also for other benefits such as STI testing, and Anti HIV medication. You will also be seen by a crisis worker who can support you through this process and offer you immediate support and advice.
Each step of the process is explained and your consent to conduct the exam is required. After the examination you will be told about the support available to you. This includes an Independent Sexual Violence Advisor (ISVA) to support you through the investigation, help access other services and support you should the case progress to a trial at court.
St Marys can also offer counselling services which may afford victims a qualified point of contact and someone to speak to about the impact of the assault and help you to cope with the immediate impact and ways to help you cope.
Click here to see more about St Mary’s SARC on our specially created page.
Making a Statement
Making a formal statement to the Police can be done in two different ways. This can be done in the form of a statement where you explain to the officer the circumstances in detail, and they write this information down. At the end of which you will be asked to read and sign the statement.
The alternative and often preferred method is by way of Video Interview or (ABE – Achieve Best Evidence). This procedure often takes place at a Police Station and is conducted in a Video Interview Suite. This is a room specially adapted with microphones and cameras. In the room will be yourself and a specially trained interviewing officer.
Although a formal procedure it is made to be as relaxed as possible, you will be asked to explain to the officer in your own words what has happened, they will ask you relevant questions to obtain as much detail as possible. It is important you try to recall as much information as possible. A video interview would allow for special measure (Evidence in chief – further information below)
It is your choice which is your preferred option and in either case the information you provide will help officers with their investigations and may be used later in court.
Special Measures
Victims of Sexual Related Offences are afforded ‘Special Measures’ Under S.16 & S.17 Youth Justice and Criminal Evidence Act
As this type of victim you are automatically afforded the right to Special Measures. Special Measures are a series of measures which may make the court procedure easier for witnesses, they include:
- Evidence in Private (The court can be cleared of anyone not directly involved in the case ie public gallery, press, etc.
- Removal of wigs and gowns – Barristers, Judges, Clerks and Ushers when in court wear formal wigs and gowns. In some circumstances these can be removed if this is likely to benefit a witness.
- Intermediary – People with learning difficulties may benefit from being accompanied to court by an intermediary.
- Evidence In Chief – If as mentioned earlier, if a video interview is taken this is played to the court and prevents the witness having to explain the circumstances within a court room. From the video interview they are then asked questions which is referred to as cross examination.
- TV Link – This would be where a witness would be in a separate room within the court building but away from the court room. You would communicate with the court via the video link similar to a video call. This option allows you to provide your evidence without having to enter the court room.
- Screens – Screens can be erected at the side of the witness box whilst a witness gives evidence. This allows only the Judge, Jury and Barrister to see the witness and the witness is therefore hidden from the defendant.
Attending court and given evidence can be a very worrying and intimidating time. We will do everything we can to ensure things are made as easy as possible. We can arrange for a pre-trial court visits so you attend at court a few weeks before your trial so you can see the layout and familiarise yourself with where everyone involved in the trial would sit.
If you’re worried about being identified, you don’t need to be. The law protects you from this by giving anonymity to victims of sexual attacks for their lifetime.
No information likely to lead to your identification as a victim can be published. This includes your name, address, photograph, school, workplace or any other details that could cause you to be identified.
It is also possible for you to report matters to Police and remain anonymous; this is a way of you telling the Police of something that has happened to you for us to be aware whilst your details are not recorded. In these circumstances it would be unlikely we would be able to successfully prosecute any individuals, but it may be information we are able to act upon thereby reducing potential future hurt.
ISVA Support
The Independent Sexual Violence Advisor (ISVA) service at We Are Survivors offers confidential support, information, practical and emotional support to boys and men affected by sexual abuse, rape or sexual exploitation, regardless of when the experience(s) happened – past or present.
Our ISVA team are Independent from the Police and Criminal Justice System and it is important that it remains impartial and unbiased throughout the whole process of supporting you if you choose to engage in our support.
It’s important to remember that everyone’s different and for many reasons reporting what happened to them to the Police isn’t right for everyone, so we offer an equitable support service to those choosing not to report. However, if someone does want to report, we’re here to stand with you throughout that whole process.
So whether you’re considering reporting to the police or have already and are going through the criminal justice process, we will offer our tailored support service designed to help and inform you every step of the way.
We always aim to be in a position to be able to offer you a choice of male or female ISVA, plus late evening appointments are available Tue and Thursday to fit in to your diary.
Our ISVA team are also trained in working with Learning Disabilities and Neurodiversity and our paperwork and process can be adapted to support those with these specific needs.
The ISVA provides, and can assist with, the following:
- A full assessment to identify your needs and the development of a tailored support plan.
- Practical and emotional support.
- Regular face-to-face and telephone contact.
- Information and support to report to the police, should you wish to do so.
- Support to attend any relevant appointments.
- Liaise between the police and Crown Prosecution Service on your behalf.
- Refer and signpost to relevant services.
- Support to attend court proceedings.
- Assistance to apply for Criminal Injuries Compensation.
- Provide information and support around complaints procedures.
The criminal justice process can often leave individuals feeling like they are not in control. It is the aim of the We Are Survivors ISVA service to ensure that you’re aware of your options and that your voice is heard. One way of achieving this is that we are able to offer you a choice of male or female ISVA. All ISVA’s have undertaken accredited training and are formally recognised by Greater Manchester Police and the Crown Prosecution Service.
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